Pubs and places where people enjoy lower vibrational pleasures are attractive centers for disbalanced spirits who try experience same pleasures through their naive victims.


All around us there are spirits from different levels of evolution and various moral and intellectual development, who regularly influence us through suggestions and intuition, whether they are positive or negative, depending on the nature of the spirit. This is because the material world in which we live operates in a constant interaction with the spiritual realm, which exists in parallel with it. Beings from both worlds are able to influence and act upon each other.
Let’s not forget that we ourselves are also spirits – incarnated in a physical body at the moment, in our reincarnation on earth.


In the context of Spiritism, we use the term obsession, as Sueli Caldash Schubert wrote, to identify a situation in which “someone, disincarnated or incarnated, exerts a negative mental pressure on someone else, for whatever reason, through the method of subtle suggestion, incitement or coercion, and for the purpose of domination / power, a process that is constantly repeated on Earth, as well as in the lower spiritual levels. „

The presence of a spiritual obsession always points to a low moral position, both in the obsessed and in the obsessor. Due to the Law of Attraction of similar things, also known as the Law of Affinity, spirits attract other spirits with similar character, ideas, emotions, etc. In the same way, spirits that obsess others are always essentially inferior, because elevated or higher spirits are always noble in their feelings and behavior. The latter do try to advise us in our thoughts and deeds, but such influence is always positive, and they never seek to impose their will on ours.

Before continuing with the definition, let’s clarify 2 commonly used terms:

  • Incarnated spirit – Spirit during his/her life in a material body, i.e. all people on the planet are incarnated spirits
  • Disincarnated spirit – Spirit, after death, freed from the body shell.

Obsession can be directed from disincarnated to disincarnated, from disincarnated to incarnated, from incarnated to disincarnated, or from incarnated to incarnated. Or simply put – from spirit to spirit, from spirit to man, from man to spirit and from man to man. Certainly, each of us has seen examples of the latter option – especially among our family members, when we meet a more controlling and obsessive person who usually impose a lot of control over another relative with a weaker character.

When we use, see or hear the term obsession in the context of Spiritism, it more often refers to a case of a disincarnated spirit that has a detrimental effect on an incarnated spirit (human). After all, this is perhaps the easiest and most likely to happen, as a result of the advantage that the disincarnated spirit has when it is able to remain invisible to its victim. We will focus on this type of obsession and discuss it here.


We are all mediums, whether manifesting it or not, we are open to the influences of the inhabitants on the spiritual level, although we vary in our degree of sensitivity. As we have said before, the nature of such influence is directly related to our own vibrational qualities, in other words, the moral nature of our own thoughts, intentions, and actions; this is because of the Law of Affinity, according to which we attract those who think similarly to us and about the same things, and whose desires and conduct are similar to ours. The key point here is that regardless of the cause of the spirit’s obsessive action on its victim, the vibrational affinity between the two allows the spirit to exercise some degree of mind control and /or vibrational change over the individual.

The key characteristic of an obsession, compared to a passing negative spiritual influence, is the regularity and consistency of the harmful influence of the spirit on the individual. Obsessive spirits who act deliberately are extremely stubborn and, even when they find an initial or final resistance, repulse in their victim, they do believe that through resilience they will eventually achieve and maintain the dominance they desire. Even when they are unaware of their negative influences, the affinity and tuning that is established between the obsessed and the obsessor keeps them both connected to each other and is subject to the consequences of such mutual influence.


An obsession can be found in varying degrees of progress, respectively showing characteristics that also vary in their nature and severity. The lightest degree of influence is called – simple obsession, in which the spirit begins to pursue the thoughts and ideas of its subject, through repeated suggestions, which eventually the individual captures and most often confuses as their own. Similarly, through the effect of these altered thoughts and / or through the transfer of fluids or energies with which the obsessive spirit marks its subject by interfering with their own perispirit * into the perispirit of the subject, the obsessive individual will experience changes in his emotional state and / or a worsening of an already existing unhealthy emotional imbalance.

  • Perispirit – the semi-material envelope of the spirit, which serves as a link between the spirit and the physical matter of the dense body.

If the obsessed person does not recognize and does not take effective action to change his unhealthy thought patterns and any behavior as a result, the door he has opened to the spirit that has taken him as a target will only open wider, through which he will further agree with the increasing mental pressure and fluid intervention exercised by the spirit. As an additional consequence, spiritual imbalance and emotional disturbance can affect the physical condition, leading to some kind of physical illness or disorder. Over time, and if no action is taken to stop it, the obsession will naturally progress, allowing the obsessive spirit an increasing degree of control at every step. Finally, the process can reach more severe stages of subjugation, sometimes called possession, which involves a great force that blocks the victim’s will, which then acts in accordance with the will of the oppressor. This progression of obsession can culminate as an absolute dependence of the victim on the spirit / spirits that conquer him, in which the obsessor dominates even the physical body of their subject, without the incarnated spirit of the latter leaving the body at all, as this complete separation occurs at death.

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